Training to 11 field agents for Pilot Test on Non -Discrimination & Equality Questionnaire

The Secretariat of the Praia Group on Governance Statistics provided training to the 11 field agents of the Non-Discrimination and Equality Pilot Test during the week of 8 to 12 July. After this stage, the field phase will begin on 16 July, when 530 households will be surveyed in the four selected municipalities (on the island of Santiago): Praia, São Domingos, São Lourenço dos órgãos and Santa Catarina. This phase is expected to last 2-3 weeks, ending in early August. The purpose of the Non-Discrimination and Equality Pilot Test is to test the validity of a questionnaire on the dimension of Non-Discrimination and Equality (one of the eight dimensions of Governance Statistics identified in the Governance Statistics Manual Praia Group, 2020), in order to support the development of methodologies and guidelines needed to compile internationally harmonised statistics on Non-Discrimination and Equality, consolidating the foundations for the development of Governance Statistics at a global level. To carry out this Pilot Test, the Secretariat of the Praia Group - INECV has the financial support of the United Nations Joint Office in Cape Verde.