
Who We Are
The Praia Group on Governance Statistics (the Praia Group) is the first African city group, created in March 2015 at the forty-sixth session of the United Nations Statistical Commission (UNSC). The establishment of the Group in 2015 came out of international recognition that governance statistics are a critical area of statistics that lack the maturity as other statistics and are underinvested in most parts of the world.
Our Objectives
To provide a forum for national and international statistical organizations, international agencies, academia, research groups and civil society organizations to share and develop expertise in governance statistics.
To review, propose and promote the definition and harmonization of governance indicators, through the development of manuals and methodological guidelines.
To document sound practices and provide inputs for the development of an indicator framework for the measurement and monitoring of the goal and targets related to peace and governance in the post-2015 development agenda and in other global initiatives.
To assess the demand for governance statistics among potential user constituencies and highlight best-practices in their use.
To provide advice on ways to enhance processes and standards for the public dissemination of governance statistics.

João de Pina Cardoso
President of INE

Liliana Monteiro
Member of Praia Group

José Eduardo Garcia
Member of Praia Group
Meet Our Secretariat
Our Secretariat is a dedicated team of individuals working passionately behind the scenes to drive our mission forward. Get to know the faces and stories behind the seamless operation of Praia Group on Governance Statistics.
We are always here to help.