Signing of a Financing Agreement between INECV and INE Mozambique, within the scope of the Praia Group's activities

As part of funding from the Mo Ibrahim Foundation to the Praia Group (chaired by INECV), a financial contribution agreement was signed between INECV and INE Mozambique to facilitate the pilot testing of the Non-Discrimination and Equality Questionnaire in that country. Our Task Team have been working to design harmonized survey questionnaire and enable the production of globally comparable official statistics on Non-Discrimination and Equality – with the ultimate goal of supporting evidence-informed policies in this area. A revised version of the survey questionnaire is now ready to be field-tested or piloted by National Statistical Offices (NSOs).This is a critical step towards the finalization of these questionnaires. The financial support of the Mo Ibrahim Foundation to the Praia Group was provided within the framework of some of the various objectives that the Praia Group has set for itself during its second mandate, viz: -To continue to improve methodologies and standardization and to support national statistical offices around the world in the implementation of these methodologies. -To publicize the activities and products of the Praia Group through the appropriate channels. -To facilitate the sensitization of all Praia Group members to national, regional and global initiatives in the field of governance statistics; This funding will allow us to support African Portuguese Speaking Countries and other African Countries to participate in the field-testing/ piloting of our questionnaires and help us develop the best possible methodologies.